I've met someone who has colder hands than me. (Does that mean he has a warmer heart?) I think he might. I've been blessed with terrific friends. I mean really, how often do we have the privilege of having someone be brutally honest with us? Honesty with delicacy, tenderness, and love: Honesty without the necessity to defend or retaliate: Honesty that is not only there to give, honesty that exposes onesself and needs to recieve kindness in the same way... does that really happen? I'm finding out that it does. (And no, it's not just coming from 'him,' it comes from alot of my friends.) And I'm wondering why I'm just noticing this today? I mean I've noticed it before, but why write about it now? Is it the season? Is it my spiritual state? Is it that I am just bursting with thanks for once and letting it overflow? (I think sOO-oooo.) In a time where there is alot around me disturbing my life, uprooting me from comfort and leisure... I embrace this kindness.
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